谁能给我一篇《大国崛起之英国工业先声》的英语观后感? 大国崛起英国之工业先声简介?

作者&投稿:字全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The lesson of Dialectics of nature, we watched a documentary film -" the rise of the great powers" in the fourth episode, about the British into an industrial power process. There is a saying, now and in the future when we feel confused, history will often tell us the answer. China is on the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the road, the prosperity of China, will create a great event in the history of human development, this process influences the pattern of the world. Since 160 years after, so we need to explore our own road to a powerful nation.

In this episode, was introduced to the UK to become industrial power process.

As the colonial expansion of Britain and overseas mature market, commodity demand growing, handicraft workshop production can't meet the needs of. In order to encourage invention and creation, the UK has issued the world's first" patent law". All of this, the British National keen on invention, production and trade of the scene.

When he discovered the cosmic rules, scientific spirit penetrate into British society; when w ultimately to universal steam machine to solve the core problem of power, the British industrialization begins at an alarming rate in full swing; when Adam Smith in a" wealth of the" free market competition rules, Britain in the beginning of their strong industry support, promoting free trade, expand the global market.

In various efforts, Britain became the first industrialized country in the world. The British development gives us a lot of inspiration, Britain has become a world superpower has its deep social reasons, the British people and the nobility, the Royal for scientific respect of new technology, new invention, the universal worship as Britain's rapid development provides a suitable platform.

He used his wisdom in the mind is a British brought a scientific revolution, guide people from nature to the superstition and fear to the age of science, he told people in the nature and rule of law, can be cognitive. He died when the British to solemn state funeral, he was buried in Westminster Cathedral, carry the coffin of the two Duke, three earls and a judge, tens of thousands of people go off, this is a country for the giants of science respect, the whole society to a scientist expression unlimited respect. When Adams walked into the conference hall, all gentlemen stop talking, stand up to the scholar pay homage to feel shy, Smith is said: " please be seated." The prime minister said:" you don't sit we won't sit down, which students do not give your seat?" See here in my heart, there is a sense of touch, it is that the scientific respect, prompted Britain became the first industrialized country.

In China 's history and the present situation, our country is not a science and technology seriously to country. And don't talk in the feudal society, the scientific concept has yet to appear in the Chinese world, of whom raised the family, five thousand years of civilization gave birth to the rich cultural heritage, but scientific achievement is very few. Even now, we always emphasize science and technology is the first productivity, want to catch good education, to powerful nation of science and technology, and in fact we do is not good enough. Knowledge and intellectual can say and really get enough respect, also, science and technology did not get real value.

The first is a problem of perception. In today's society, money is the measure of a man to become one of the important standards, is the embodiment of personal value, social contribution, contribution to the country, becomes more and more empty. The public will to a charity of Regal with unlimited respect, while those with the power of science and technology to change the life of every one of US scientists are often unknown. Media attention in addition to entertainment news, is a list of the richest people, money is a great scientist, people's eyes than the entrepreneur has weight, young people take the pursuit of wealth as the goal, good work to pay as the only measure. State of the scientists and intellectuals are not given enough respect, in the material are not generous, a professor at the University of income and a worker nearly, far more than the individual small boss.


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