跪求2011年12月18日湖北英语三级答案!! 2011年12月18日重庆市的英语三级答案啊,有的话就发到9...

作者&投稿:仉刷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  1, subject
  2, in
  3, could be taken.
  4, pay off l
  6, adoptable
  7, Which
  8,will have
  9, hand and foot
  10, be introduced.
  1, to make
  2, putting
  3, easier
  4 will be discussed
  5, occasionally
  6, advanced
  7, correcting
  8 complaint
  9, were interviewed
  10, brought
  1,Junichiro Koizumi.。。。。。
  2, A thousand million yuan。。。
  3, Guangzhou。。。。
  4, Fans have been waiting to see a sino-Japanese film for long
  5, choose low-calorie food。。。
  6,As you are dieting, don’t forget exercise
  7 all of the above。。。
  8, Junichiro Koizumi.。。。。。
  9, The Future of the American Educational System.
  10,Introduction to Flying Blue
  2, on the ground
  3 during the flight
  4, video programs
  5, Northern China
  A ----air traffic control system
  B ---armed police
  C ---crime prevention
  D -- entry requirement
  E -- international criminal police organization
  F ---level of security
  G ---picket line
  H ---police station
  I -- patrolling vehicle
  J ---safety precaution measure
  K ---safety control device
  L ---security command center
  M -- security service
  N ---security control center
  O -- security personnel
  P ---valid documents
  Q -- security monitoring and control
  Examples: ( M ) 保安服务 ( G ) 警戒线
    51. ( ) 空中交通管制系统 ( ) 安全预防措施
    52. ( ) 巡逻车 ( ) 武装警察
    53. ( ) 国际刑警组织 ( ) 有效证件
    54. ( ) 入境要求 ( ) 安保人员
    55. ( ) 安全保障级别 ( ) 安全监控
    答案:51. A, J 52. I, B 53. E, P 54. D, O 55. F, Q
1. (The) after-sales manager
  2. a lawyer
  3. Employment Service Office
  4. 1 June, 2009
  5. (automatically) withdrawn

一、选择题 1,we inrestig ated other...(b\how)
2,the human resources...(A\in(reased)) 3,the tearm is going...(A\competes) 4,Don't risk any...(C\unless) 5,By the end of...(D\will have worked) 6,(C\on arrivig)attlne... 7,Not until...(C\Did't i learn) 8,Miss sinth's...(B\working) 9,tom night have...(A\followed) 10,Jack said...(D\which) 二、填空题 1,I have a work(education) 2,more than half of the staff ...they(comfortable) 3,the student asked...(needed) 4,at that time i worked...(was considered) 5,all types of water...(harmful) 6,if the inrestment...(carefully) 7,Among all the internet...(best) 8,companies are legauy...(to keep) 9,please read through...(filling) 10,At the meeting i made...(interested) 三、阅读理解 task1 when i come 1,in the anthor's... tearawork skills 2,According to he second... B\are learned while working in a term 3,Team bulidiy... B\encouraging employees to co-operate 4,why are team member ... A\to come an agreement 5,what's is the best title of passager A\team bulidig task2 1,fairway kenwood is a company that C\provides private car hire service 2,the company's vehicies are equipped with B\the latest computer systems 3,from the passage we know tha you can coutact the sales... C\telephone 4,the prafessiona sale of the company can help clients to... B\do sightseeing at a lower price 5,which of the following speacil se.... A\wedding service task3 Der mr smith job applicant (John Brown) post...(human resource managoment) personal in...(educational background) (work experience) time avabile (early afternoons) task4 cash plus gives you extra cash 1,what service does cashplus offer(personal line) 2,what is the upper credit limit for cashplus up to($100,000cash)or twice your monthly in come 3,what is the benefit if you get cash from cashplus(low interest rate) 4,what is advantage of cashplus (monthly repaynont)flexlble monthly repay ments 5,how can cashplus be used? online banking 四、连线题 旅行文件 (O)travel documents 儿童救助 (A)child help 急诊医疗手术 (D)emergency medical operation 第三方责任 (M)third party insurance 医疗费用 (F)medical expenses 行程延误 (N)travel delay 行李损坏 (B)dainaged baggage 罢工险 (L)strike risk 租车保险负额 (K)rental vehicle excess 战争险 (Q)war risk 五、翻译题 以下给出的是错误答案,请选择正确答案。 1、All of the infrorun that you need to a apply for your visa is available free of charge. A\你申请签证时所需要的一切证明材料全由我的贸易网站woriz bridge向你提供。 2,if you... B\如果无法预付租金,你可以从两类社会基金中获得贷款 3,these products certainly C\你们发来的产品和我们所看到的样品都不合格,顾客要求退换。 4,A compuny's goals and... 董事会决心修改公司的方针政策,他们有权对重大问题采取措施。 六、重点单词及短语 attend your appointment 赴约 conrenient 方便 as soon as possible 尽快 enable 能够 offer 提供 patient 病人 rebook 重新预约 cancel 取消 change 改变 method 方法 作文:写辞职信 , 表示要辞职 I am writeing to inform you about my decision to resign from my…. 2, 辞职的原因 I have accepted an oiffer by anther firm and have decided to tender my resignation…… 3, 说明辞职时间 Effective amonth later, I will be resing my employment with your’s company….. 4, 表示感谢 Thank you for your company and consideration in these several years wrking.

Part I Listening Comprehension
Section A 1. days 2. By the full name 3. The short holidays 4. meet 5. arrangeSection
Section B 6. while7. am completing 8. which 9. once 10. Open the window
Section C 11.Two 12.same area 13.often check 14.heart 15.insurance
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Section A
16. how 17. what'18. on arriving at the?? 19at the meeting. 20. the human resources 21. Jack said22. I have a work 23. more than half 24 working in 25. Team bulidiy
Section B
26. quickly 27. less 28. interesting 29. lost30. performance 31. is equipped 32. writing33. have become 34. wonderful 35. were / wasPart III Reading Comprehension
Part III Reading Comprehension
Task 1 36. want to be employed by German companies 37. Offering different language courses. 38. language training centers 39. English40. encourage people to learn more foreign languages
Task 2 41. by offering excellent services on board42for 6 months. 43. before receiving the Permanent Card 44. within 3 weeks of their first flight45. before receiving the Permanent Card
Task 3 46. activities 47. iMOVE has48. wide range49. weeks of their50. Student Advising Office
Task 4 51. O, F 52. I, L 53. G, B 54. D, C 55. E, A
Task 5 56. account 57. free 58. 12 (languages) 59. close 60. (continue to) use / log in to
Part IV Translation --- English intoChinese
65:所有的科技展都是这样子的,都会在一个很宽广的房间里展开,面对小学生等都是不收钱的,是由老师组织 起来一起去参观的,特别是暑假的时候,人会很多,而且会看到很多小孩子在老师的带领下参观学习。
Part V Writing

Part I Listening Comprehension Section A (每题1分) 1. days 2. By the full name 3. The short holidays 4. meet 5. arrange Section B (每题1分) 6. while7. am completing 8. which 9. once 10. Open the window 11.Two 12.same area 13.often check 14.heart 15.insurance Part II Structure 16. how 17. what'18. on arriving at the…… 19at the meeting. 20. the human resources 21. Jack said22. I have a work 23. more than half 24 working in 25. Team bulidiy Section 26. quickly 27. less 28. interesting 29. lost 30. performance 31. is equipped 32. writing 33. have become 34. wonderful 35. were / was Part III Reading Comprehension Task 1 (每题2分) 36. want to be employed by German companies 37. Offering different language courses. 38. language training centers 39. English40. encourage people to learn more foreign languages Task 2 (每题2分) 41. by offering excellent services on board42for 6 months. 43. before receiving the Permanent Card 44. within 3 weeks of their first flight45. before receiving the Permanent Card 46. activities 47. iMOVE has48. wide range49. weeks of their50. Student Advising Office Task 4 (每题1分) 51. O, F 52. I, L 53. G, B 54. D, C 55. E, A 56. account 57. free 58. 12 (languages) 59. close 60. (continue to) use / log in to Part IV Translation --- English into Chinese 61,如果你当天去,当天回来那么我们还可以去聚会 62,请不要在这里吸烟,因为有很多小孩子 63:你的电脑里有我的邮件的,在那个F开头的文件夹里 64:鸡蛋是从0.8元涨到1元的 65:所有的科技展都是这样子的,都会在一个很宽广的房间里展开,面对小学生等都是不收钱的,是由老师组织起来一起去参观的,特别是暑假的时候,人会很多,而且会看到很多小孩子在老师的带领下参观学习。 作文:如果你捡到了别人的钱包,你想写一个海报来寻找给失主 地点:汽车站 时间2011年10月8号 描述:黑色的钱包一个,里面有一张身份证,银行卡2张,现金若干
作文:如果你捡到了别人的钱包,你想写一个海报来寻找给失主 地点:汽车站 时间2011年10月8号 描述:黑色的钱包一个,里面有一张身份证,银行卡2张,现金若干 那

Lost and found I in October 8th, in the bus station at the entrance picked up a black leather bag, there are some cash, have an identity card, still have two bank cards, I picked up after failed to use dynamic 's wallet, I think the owner must be quite anxious, please see the poster of the owner in time to contact us as soon as possible. Phone: XXXXX

4cutting;to be done
5let go
7would be completed
8will you
10so a good experience
1by mistake
2would not make
3does he say
4to repair
5pulled on
6has painted
7turned out
8on the way
9only take a bus
1. I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies
2. from 1960 to 1969
3.illness caused by her job….
4 it denied her any clerical support
5 are given work that they are unable to do
1 tell the nature of life learning
2 no complaints from the employee occur
3 produces slow students with poor memories
4 clear about why to learn
5 could prevent one from running risks
1 When they should mend the hole.
2 had one of his legs broke
3 they owned the whole bridge
4 making fun of me
5the place of a possible explosion
moment of leaving离开的那一刻
by accident 偶然
at all events 无论如何
on one's honor 以名誉担保
pay attention to 注意
play musical instrument 演奏乐器
hold a meting 举行会议
meet one's needs满足要求
out of touch不联系,不接触
slip one's mind 忘记
1These men tended to view their……
2concerned when they were occasionally……. 3prefer not remembering……
4and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away……
5These men tended to view their nightly……
1开始的时候 学生发现很难适应新学校



Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A (每题1分) 1. days 2. By the full name 3. The short holidays 4. meet 5. arrangeSection B (每题1分) 6. while7. am completing 8. which 9. once 10. Open the window11.Two 12.same area 13.often check 14.heart 15.insurancePart II Structure16. how 17. what'18. on arriving at the?? 19at the meeting. 20. the human resources 21. Jack said22. I have a work 23. more than half 24 working in 25. Team bulidiySection26. quickly 27. less 28. interesting 29. lost30. performance 31. is equipped 32. writing33. have become 34. wonderful 35. were / wasPart III Reading ComprehensionTask 1 (每题2分)36. want to be employed by German companies 37. Offering different language courses. 38. language training centers 39. English40. encourage people to learn more foreign languagesTask 2 (每题2分)41. by offering excellent services on board42for 6 months. 43. before receiving the Permanent Card 44. within 3 weeks of their first flight45. before receiving the Permanent Card46. activities 47. iMOVE has48. wide range49. weeks of their50. Student Advising OfficeTask 4 (每题1分)51. O, F 52. I, L 53. G, B 54. D, C 55. E, A56. account 57. free 58. 12 (languages) 59. close 60. (continue to) use / log in toPart IV Translation --- English intoChinese61,如果你当天去,当天回来那么我们还可以去聚会62,请不要在这里吸烟,因为有很多小孩子63:你的电脑里有我的邮件的,在那个F开头的文件夹里64:鸡蛋是从0.8元涨到1元的65:所有的科技展都是这样子的,都会在一个很宽广的房间里展开,面对小学生等都是不收钱的,是由老师组织起来一起去参观的,特别是暑假的时候,人会很多,而且会看到很多小孩子在老师的带领下参观学习。作文:如果你捡到了别人的钱包,你想写一个海报来寻找给失主 地点:汽车站 时间2011年10月8号 描述:黑色的钱包一个,里面有一张身份证,银行卡2张,现金若干



答:2007年10月 我校校本教材《赏析》获“2007年全国中小学优秀校本课程资源”。2007年12月 荣获“2006—2007学年度深化课程改革大面积提高教学质量先进学校”。2007年12月18日 《萧红中学学报》创刊。2008年1月22日 萧红读书会成员到萧红故居拜谒萧红。2008年1月29日 我校新春慰问团成员慰问抗联老战士。2008年2月16...

答:6月13日—9月29日,北京、天津、山东、江苏、浙江、广东、湖南、湖北等18个省(区、市)及青岛、宁波、厦门、深圳等4个计划单列市石油公司先后划入石化总公司。7月27日,中国石油化工集团公司、中国石油天然气集团公司成立大会在人民大会堂举行。2000年2月28日 中国石油化工集团公司以独家发起方式设立中国石化股份有限...

答:溘然长逝。该月:法国人强占老西开(天津海元寺)。十一、11月 1日 陈独秀在《新青年》上发表文章,抨击尊孔运动。8日 蔡锷病逝于日本福冈大学医院。十二、12月 18日:国会内部研究系与商榷系在国会投票时,大打出手。28日:日本西原龟三贷款给段祺瑞500万日元。参考资料来源:百度百科—1916年 ...

答:3、官东 官东,男,安徽宣城宁国人,1990年5月生,2011年加入中国共产党。毕业于海军大连舰艇学院,海军工程大学动力工程学院某中心助理教员。2015年6月1日,“东方之星”号客轮在长江中游湖北监利水域翻沉。官东主动请缨加入海军工程大学抢险救援分队。6月2日抵达救援现场后,他第一个跳入水中,面对水流...



答:1992年4月3日全国人民代表大会七届五次会议庄严通过关于兴建三峡工程的决议。 1994年12月14日三峡大坝工程正式动工总投资954.6亿元人民币。 2006年5月20日三峡大坝全线建成。 2011年9月10日零时正式启动第四次175米试验性蓄水 三峡工程分三期总工期18年。一期5年1991一1997年主要工程除准备工程外主要进行一期围堰填...

答:1934年任中华苏维埃共和国中央执委会委员、人民教育委员会委员、中华苏维埃共和国中央政府教育部部长等职。1935年2月在福建长汀县被国民党军逮捕,6月18日就义,时年36岁。3、毛泽东 毛泽东(1893年12月26日-1976年9月9日),字润之(原作咏芝,后改润芝),笔名子任。湖南湘潭人。中国人民的领袖,...