英语单词造句,要有中文翻译,尽量简短。 英语单词造句并翻译?

作者&投稿:政牵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
  1、The boy is good at doing a sum in his head.
  2、From now on, I must practise hard.
  3、Maria all of a sudden came by the door.
  4、i will try my best to make you happy.
  5、May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth!

1.I‘m good at swimming 我擅长游泳

2.Lauren practises the piano every day...
But all of a sudden, I could see.
4I try my best to play the piano
5the bottle is filled with water

I’m good at painting 我很擅长画画
I practise hard on swimming 我努力练习游泳
The storm came all of a sudden. 这场风暴突然就来了
I‘m trying best to cheer you up 我努力使你振奋起来
I’m filled with sorrow. 我满心悲伤

1、I am good at singing.我擅长唱歌。
2、I must practise hard to swimming.我必须努力练习游泳了。


lovely1.She is a lovely girl.
她是一个漂亮的女孩。 2. The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.
这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 3. It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden.
让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。 4. My lovely daughter came to her father for a cuddle.
我可爱的小女儿走到她父亲那,要他抱抱她。lively1. He told a very lively story about his life in Africa.
他非常生动地讲述了他在非洲的生活。 2. She had a lively sense of humor.
她幽默感很强。 3. The band played a lively tune.
乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。 4. The style is lucid and lively.
笔调很明快。 role
1.The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。 2. She played a thankless role.
她扮演了一个受累不讨好的角色。 3. He played a passive role in the marriage.
他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色。 4. He's a natural for the role of Lear.
他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选. send 1. Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.
北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。 2. The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous.
这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡。 3. Men who refused to strike were sent to coventry by their colleagues.
凡是不参加罢工的人,同事都不理睬他们。 4. He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery.
他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。 choose 1. Have you chosen a coat yet?
你挑好了上衣没有? 2. He chose not to go home until later.
他决定晚一点才回家。 3. Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.
自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。 4.You can choose what you like. 你喜欢什么挑什么。
soft 1. It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.
春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服。 2. Don't be so soft there's nothing to be afraid of.
别这麽窝囊,没什麽可怕的嘛。 3. The bed is so soft.床软软的。4. I like soft music.我喜欢轻音乐。 谢谢采纳、o(∩_∩)o

lovely1.She is a lovely girl.
她是一个漂亮的女孩。 2. The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.
这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 3. It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden.
让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。 4. My lovely daughter came to her father for a cuddle.
我可爱的小女儿走到她父亲那,要他抱抱她。lively1. He told a very lively story about his life in Africa.
他非常生动地讲述了他在非洲的生活。 2. She had a lively sense of humor.
她幽默感很强。 3. The band played a lively tune.
乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。 4. The style is lucid and lively.
笔调很明快。 role
1.The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。 2. She played a thankless role.
她扮演了一个受累不讨好的角色。 3. He played a passive role in the marriage.
他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色。 4. He's a natural for the role of Lear.
他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选. send 1. Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.
北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。 2. The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous.
这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡。 3. Men who refused to strike were sent to coventry by their colleagues.
凡是不参加罢工的人,同事都不理睬他们。 4. He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery.
他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。 choose 1. Have you chosen a coat yet?
你挑好了上衣没有? 2. He chose not to go home until later.
他决定晚一点才回家。 3. Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.
自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式。 4.You can choose what you like. 你喜欢什么挑什么。
soft 1. It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.
春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服。 2. Don't be so soft there's nothing to be afraid of.
别这麽窝囊,没什麽可怕的嘛。 3. The bed is so soft.床软软的。4. I like soft music.我喜欢轻音乐。 谢谢采纳、o(∩_∩)o

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