求英语口语的情景对话(三个人的) 求个英语口语情景对话,有关“学会思考”的。要三人讲话,至少3...

作者&投稿:倪丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
A: How are you guysgetting on with your English learning these days?
B: I am making quitea good progress.
C: Me too, I am notdoing at all bad, actually, how about yourself.
A: Not so good! I find it hard, very hard!
B: Well, I think learning English require many condition andimportant elements.
C: Yes, that’s how I find it too. There at least 5 importantelements for English learning.
A: Vow, really? What are these elements then?
C: Well, first of all it is talents of course, then comes learning environment, interest, perseverance and finall methods. A: Can you be a bit more specific?
C: Needless to say, talent is one who armed with extraordinarylearning abilities.
B: Interest is a very important key in learning too, No onewill ever succeed if not having enough interest with things!
C: That’s true, and perseverance is the next, I am sure it need not to be explained and everyone should know that an import element it completing any task! A: yes, I know that too
C: Another key is learning environment, if you are studying abroad or working for a foreign company where you are in contact with colleagues who are speaking English all the time. Then you are most likely to learn
English much quicker too.
A: That’s quite true as well.
C: Finally, it comes to methods. Apart from going to a proper English training school, you should paying equal attention to reading listening, writing and conversation. Would do without any one!B: But I think there is still one more important element.
A: What would that be?
B: This is individual character!
C: What are about it then?
B: Individual character is very important. Someone must dare to talk and talk a lot, because learn foreign language require you to talk a lot and it is use to communicate with foreigners In the first place anyway, if you are a shy person and find it very hard to open your mouth to talk, then I don’t think you will ever learn very good English. C: Oh yes, you are quite right!
A: Thanks for you guys’ most useful advice.
B: I am glad to help, hope that it would be useful to you.
C: Likewise here, you are welcome. Besides we are good friends,aren’t we?


求英语口语情景对话三人的,主题:my family 谢谢!~

A: How many members are there in your family?
B: Five. My parents, me and two brothers.
A: Wow that's quite a big family. Do you always go out together?
B: Yes! Every weekend our family will go hiking. It is a sport that the whole family enjoys. How about you? How many family members do you have?
A: Well, I live with my parents.
B: So do you also go out together?
A: Not as often as yours do. Both of my parents are often very busy with their work. We usually just have dinner at home during weekends because they are too busy to go out.
B: I see. Well, you can join my family sometimes when we go out to hike!
A: Really? Thank you for your invitation! I will surely go with you next time!
C: Hi guys, what are you talking about?
A: We are talking about family, how many people are there in your family?
C: Four, My parent, my sister and me.
B: Do your family always go out together for some activities?
C: No, most of the time, we stay at home.
B: You can can join my family activity next time, hiking!
C: Wow! I would love to!

Jimmy:Susan, you've been very quiet lately. What's on your mind?苏珊,你最近很安静。你在想什么?
Susan:Oh, I'm worried about taking my driving test.噢,我在担心我的驾照考试。
Jimmy:I thought you have taken driving lessons.我想你上过驾驶课。
Susan:I did, but I really need to practice more to feel confident.我是上过,但我需要更多练习来取得自信。
Jimmy:Why don't we go for a long ride this weekend?我们何不这个周末开车出去兜兜风?
Susan:Oh, could we? I'd love it.噢,我们可以吗?我想去。
Nancy:Good morning, Jerry. How’s everything?早上好,杰丽。一切可好?
Jimmy:Fine, just fine. Thanks.好,都挺好的。谢谢。
Nancy:Doing anything for lunch?午饭的时候你有事吗?
Jimmy:Well, as a matter of fact, I’ve got a lunch date with Bob Thomas.不瞒你说,我跟鲍勃 托马斯约好了一起吃午饭。

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