求英文超级好的朋友帮我解释一下这句英语是什么意思? 帮我翻译和解释一下这句英语的意思和内涵?

作者&投稿:戈禄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
If you've got the phone as a gift from one of your friend then I'd
request you to contact him to get the bar removed.
After the bar is removed, we'll then be able to proceed with the
unlocking request. If the bar isn't removed then unfortunately we won't
be able to unlock the phone.
I hope this helps.

As informed earlier, we can't unlock your iPhone unless the bar is
removedfrom it。




不会是 “滑动滑块 手机解锁 ”吧



请帮我解释一下这句英语是什么意思? Tears and loneliness to you~


我看到好多位说复印和打印,但是根据楼主说的这个是填纸制表格应该,如何能通过复印打印填写呢,而且打印的话也不用说in black ink了。所以我觉得,



请英语朋友帮我解答一下这句话的语法知识:I saw a big black dog whe...
答:I saw a big black dog when I came in 。主句是一般过去时 主谓宾结构。 从句是时间状语从句 从句 : when I came in 是时间状语。 I 主语 came in 谓语 when 引导词 主句: I 主语 saw 谓语 a big black dog 宾语 a big black 定语 ...

英文好的朋友,能帮我翻译一段中文么,用简单、常用的语言写出来就好,谢 ...
答:Hello, my name is Jim, 23, huanggang county, hubei province, June 2010 in A university graduate, During the university, has served as the class propaganda promotion committee, help the school sports meeting, the party and other activities, and of course, during study itself also ...

答:B 我啊,我到过好多地方哦。比如所北京、西安还有肇庆。你现在有空吗?我想和你打网球。)从这里开始是不是A和B就乱了啊,下面全不对了 应该是:A 那这个暑假做了什么?B 你仔细看一下,(A 那这个暑假做了什么?多数在家里面看书,偶尔出去和朋友逛街,或者出去拉拉小提琴。你呢?A 我啊...

请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下这句句子: 读完你的回信后我非常的气愤,在...
答:I am very angry after reading your reply,and I can not believe there is.someone in the world who is so shameless

答:and whether we can promise a-whole-life-living-together compatibly也许我们可以清楚的知道我们是否真的相爱或者我们是否可以承诺一生一世不分离. I have to say we did live a happy two years together and those happy times must be a long lasting memory. 我不得不承认我们确实度过了一个...

答:Ladies and gentlemen:Today I want to talk about my dreams sincerely with you all. I have a group of best friends, consisting of 5 boys and 4 girls, who are my classmates in junior high school. We help each other, step forward jointly, like a family. It is always full of...

答:and learn these knowledge by various methods. This article has introduced various differences exist in Chinese and western cultures, and have put forword corresponding methods to each question, and have discussed how to avoid the embarrassing situation in communciation.希望能帮助你 ...

英文好的朋友 帮我翻译下
答:越来越多的人重视身体健康生活水平提高,目前. 可是如何保持健康,这是个大问题,因为我们. 所以有许多许多骗子在社会上,如“李一”“张悟本”,他们抓住了这想到我们正常的人因为我的个人意见,第一,我觉得有必要保持平衡饮食平衡的饮食可以帮助我们调整我们的人体新陈代谢所以我们应该吃食物定量规律。其次,我...

答:1. Here. Where? Who, am I ...2. Because of the voice?3. They, stop ... I understand!4. So beautiful! I's my world?5. The Castle, is it just the object what the God arranged for me, and what I have been looking for?6. Gee,what's that,gleaming in front?7. ...

答:that's why you go away, 这也是你离开的原因i know sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere 我知道一个人坐孤独的坐在这里,不知道自己的方向 don't know which way to go我不知道应该怎么办 there ain't so much to say now between us我们之间没有很多话可以说 there ain't ...