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作者&投稿:隗迹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
In the novel, Hemingway is contradictory to self-respect, proud treatment. On one hand, if is humble instead of the dignity of losing, can't harm in real self-respect. To him, people goal for all one's life and heavy achievement can until heavy pressure lay and agony lose living on honourably most, and is proud of one's own behavior this, especially express pride to the outstanding work made. Undeniable, this is natural revealment of a human nature. But on the other hand,strong one force him not to be reached but self-esteem in spite of oceangoing voyages dangerous peoples rare to deep sea go fish. Though he likes Malin's fish, treat it as the brother generally loves it, and respect it very much, but have to kill it in order to prove one's own dignity in any case. In fact, big Malin death of fish mean Santiago go to sea, go on a long journey cost paid for self-respect. During the process of attempting to keep one's own dignity, have gone through the hero's baptism in Santiago. The last part of the novel has narrated the experience of struggling with the shark unyieldingly in Santiago, have play up the true quality of a hero of him, has pushed the plot of the novel to the climax. After he kills the big Malin's fish, the happiness of the victory that have not found time to have a trial test yet, the big fish drip the blood dropping down and guide on one's body Have had the attack of the shark. Santiago has to launch fighting fiercely with the shark that is followed for several times. He fears nothing in the face of perils, " use the strength of whole body, has dyed both hands of the blood with him, pitch an adamantium fish spear to it. He pitches it, does not hold the hope, but is taking the firm will and vicious and incomparable heart. "He " struggles against them doggedly, …' will fight to them and die. "Successively pitch with fish spear, knife cutting down, thick liquid and club bungle,kill, beat back by shark of a lot of pieces. But the shark just retreat finally after having a pair of skeletons left to seize the chance to only gnaw the big fish. Not depressed in Santiago where there is not much left, but heroic spirit roars to the shark loftily or bottomlessly: "Having eaten it, Gallas' promise shark. Go fond dream, dream there aren't you! " Through this section of soul-stirring, very grand description, Hemingway has shown true qualities of tough men of Santiago, the true quality of a hero here again. We have to think Santiago is mankind's heroic symbol at this point. The hero is always resisting with destiny constantly, meet the challenge of misfortune natural,graceful and poisedly, magnanimously, prove to common people with the hero's behavior finally: "Will not be overthrown while coming in life ……a person can be eliminated, not to be
Down with. " "

In the novel, Hemingway's for self-esteem and pride is the handling of the conflict.
On the one hand, if humility and dignity, and not detract from the real self-esteem. To
In him, the goal of human life and the greatest achievement is to pressure
The pain and live in dignity, yet, and to that end to their acts of flu
To pride, especially for by the renowned for their achievements in the work proud.
It is undeniable that this is human nature something very natural to us. But on the other hand, strong self -
Zun heart but forced him to braving the dangerous voyage to the rare people to catch deep-sea
鱼. Although he likes the Marlins, it generally love it when the brothers, but also very
Respect it, but in any case have to prove their own dignity in order to kill it.
In fact, the Marlins mean the death of Santiago in order to self-esteem and the sea
The price paid by the excursion.
In an attempt to maintain their own dignity in the process of undergoing a San Diego
The hero's baptism. The novel describes the last part of Santiago unyielding
Torsion not to fight the shark and the experience of playing up his heroic qualities,
Fiction plot to a climax. He killed in the Marlins, not
Before tasting the joy of victory, a big fish on the blood drops Dayantang out on the Reply
To the shark attacks. Santiago had to come several times and follow the shark
Fighting fish. He Linweibuju, "using body strength, he used with the
The blood of his hands, a sharp harpoon to the immense扎to it. He扎it.
Does not take hope, but with a firm will and vicious tremendous heart
Intestine. "Tenacious" with their fight,… 'they have to fight to the death. "Successively fish
扎fork, knife cutting, pulp and sticks to hit and kill, Datui a lot of sharks.
But the shark also took the opportunity to eat big fish eating only a skeleton after the
Finally subsided. San Diego has been running low and no frustration, but ho
Gas nor on the shark roar: "eat it, Galanaud shark. You do the U.S.
Go dream, a dream to kill you! "Through this soul-stirring, very
Described as spectacular, Hemingway once again demonstrated in this San Diego hardware
Han character and heroic qualities. We have to think that this is San Diego
A symbol of human heroism. Heroes are always with the fate of protest, Yongrong, Tatu
To meet the challenges of bad luck and ultimately to the heroic acts demonstrate to the world that: "
Are born not to be down with the…… a person can be eliminated, not to be
Down with. "

张海迪的 故事
张海迪现为全国政协委员,供职在山东作家协会,从事创作和翻译 1990年与结婚25年之久的妻子简·怀尔德离婚。1995年9月16日,与他的护士伊莱恩·梅森结婚。


著有《空间-时间的大比例结构》(1973年与人合著)、《广义相对论:爱因斯坦百年评论》(1979年与人合编)、《超空间和超重力》(1981年与人合编)、《宇宙之始》(1983年与人合编)、《时间简史》(1988年)。 史蒂芬·霍金简介



霍金教授是现代科普小说家,他的代表作是1988年撰写的《时间简史》,这是一篇优秀的天文科普小说。作者想象丰富,构思奇妙,语言优美,字字珠玑,更让人咋惊,世界之外,未来之变,是这样的神奇和美妙。这本书至今累计发行量已达2500万册,被译成近 40种语言。1992年耗资350万英镑的同名电影问世。霍金坚信关于宇宙的起源和生命的基本理念可以不用数学来表达,世人应当可以通过电影——这一视听媒介来了解他那深奥莫测的学说。本书是关于探索时间本质和宇宙最前沿的通俗读物,是一本当代有关宇宙科学思想最重要的经典著作,它改变了人类对宇宙的观念。本书一出版即在全世界引起巨大反响。《时间简史》对我们这些喜用言语表达甚于方程表达的读者而言是一本里程碑式的佳书。她长于一个对人类思想有接触贡献者之手,这是一本对知识无限追求之作,是对时空本质之谜不懈探讨之作。















Has good basic knowledge, self studied marketing, is able to learn very fast.
Well experienced school promoting, good communication skills.
Positive, humorous.
Good at thinking and have the potential.

1, 英语,曾获xxxxx。英语帮助我更好的认识世界。
English, was awarded xxxx. English helps me to know the world better.
2, 听电台王道(王道是个人名)的谈话节目。听他人之故事,添我之阅历。
Listen to radio at WangDao. Listen to other’s stories to get more experience.
3, 读书。特别是有关做人,管理,商业案例,心理学的书籍。
Reading, especially about how to be a better person, economy and psychology.
4, 运动,令我更健康。而其竞争性令我兴奋。
Sport makes me healthy and competitive.
Movies, arts is everywhere.

湖南中旅假日旅行社业务拓展部经理助理 负责在我们大学的市场推广,超额完成任务,得到公司领导的肯定。
Hunanxxxxx promoting department deputy manager, responsible for promotions in colleges. Finished the job extra well and was recognized by the boss.
中国公益创业网市场部部长 负责领导一个5人团队,主要工作是推广网站,外联;有时会承接一些与企业商家的合作业务。
Zhongguo Gongyi net promoting department manager, responsible for a team of five, mainly promoting so site.
长沙中慧文化有限公司股东 和几个朋友开了家小公司,主攻国家计算机二级的培训。业务遍布长沙市各高校。完成预定目标。
One of the bosses of Changsha company, mainly focus on computer tutoring.

The ancients said: "curing people is just like dealing with illness: obeying the right prescription, the illness will be solved, the other way is also true." Punishment must be about art, we must be fair and reasonable, cultivating people in the process of "penalty" will enable students to win certain progress in some aspects of the "penalty". "Penalty" is not the purpose of education, instead educating people is the basic aim. "Penalty" means will enable students to understand the error, to deepen the impression at the same time exercise their capacity in a particular area. This is a common punishment used in management class to show the bad behavior of students of their negative evaluation. Teachers shouldn’t strike student’s self-esteem when punishing them. To have a certain basic rule: reasonable, objective and fair, so the students will be convinced of the punishment, and will more respect the teachers. Teachers should have certain principles instead of abusing their rights when blaming the students. If a student has done something wrong, it is necessary of teachers to understand what happened and give the students opportunity to explain the whole thing or clarify the facts in order to take appropriate measures. Whether educators or the educated have to understand that punishment is only a means, just education is the purpose .Punishment is not adding insult to injury, or a stick to beat people to death. The students who made a mistake, should be punished, but educators need to give students a way error. Affirmation and praise do not exclude punishment, teachers should have the courage to break the prejudices and insist on the correct things, once the students have some progress they are deserved to be timely definited and praised. This way will be able to let the students deepen the impression of the discipline and understand the well-intention of teachers who give the punishment, this can also conducive to the disciplinary role into full play. The students’ enthusiasm can be inspired and the goal can be achieved.


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