请帮忙翻译一下这两个句子,谢谢!(谢绝翻译器翻译!) 请好心人帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢,谢绝用翻译器翻译哟!

作者&投稿:薄轻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1.Grown-up wild animals hide their babies for a short time while they are looking for food.(翻译成中文)

Could you please recommend some English books suitable for us students to read?

Do you have something interesting in Philippines? Can you share them with me?

Do you have any suggestion on my English study

Could you please comment/criticize how my speaking English is?


1. 成年野生动物在寻找食物时,会把他们的幼崽短暂地藏匿起来。

2. Can you recommend some English books suitable for our students to read?
Do you have any interesting incident in the Philippines? Can you share it with me ?
What suggestions can you offer me for my English learning?
Can you give your comment on my spoken English?



Can you recommend some suitable English books for our students to read?
Do you have some interesting things in the Philippines? Can you share with me?
Do you have any suggestions to my English study?
Please comment on my English speaking.

2.Can you recommend some English books for our students?
Have you experienced any things interesting in Philippines? Could you share it with me?
Do you have any suggestions on my English learning?
Could you make a commet on my English level,please?



Kennedy K. 至今仍记得弟弟Kaeden出生的那天,那是恐怖的一天。Kaeden的心脏上有一个孔,在他出生后的第一年里就经历了三次手术。Kennedy说:“当时很担心,我总是在担心他”。
每当Kennedy和家人去医院探视弟弟时,都会看到其他家庭也有患心脏疾病的孩子。她发现他们中的很多人都支付不起巨额的医疗费。Kennedy 就是在这时想出如何送弟弟一个特别的生日礼物,kennedy说:“我们举行一个生日宴会,要求来宾用捐款代替礼物,集够2,000 圆然后送给医院那些需要它们的家庭”。
此次的成功鼓舞了Kennedy, 现在她已经11岁了,开创了自己的慈善基金,叫做给Kaeden的吻。每年组织都举行许多场活动来为那些患有心脏疾病儿童筹集资金。
现在Kaeden 已经5岁了,kennedy很爱他。Kennedy说:“他是我的英雄,他总是那么乐观。” 但是Kaeden还是不可以玩类似于足球类的激烈运动,并且需要继续治疗。
到目前为止,给Kaeden的吻 基金已经募集了71,000美金,Kennedy计划募集更多的钱来帮助那些急需帮助的儿童及家庭。Kennedy表示她非常感谢一直支持她的弟弟,“给予他人帮助的感觉真的很好,每个梦想拥有自己志愿服务组织的人都应该做他们想做的,因为你弱小并不代表你不能,你可以做出选择的。让你的父母来帮助你,还有你的朋友及周围的社区”。

Mr. Fujiwara Kaoru has been very strict with us as he announced the rules of his class at his first lecture. Firstly, no late is allowed, but if you are late, please explain the reason, you cannot fence your way out of this because he will repeatedly ask you about it seriously. Secondly, no absence is allowed, if you are sick you need to write the request for leave. Thirdly, pay attention at class, you need to finish the homework given on time, usually there will be some tasks will be given after each class, like conversation reciting, answering the questions and writing composition. One of the boy students of our class didn't give any thought to the first given conversation homework; Mr. Fujiwara asked him to stand up and recite and he said he forgot about it. Mr. Fujiwara was very pissed off and he asked that boy to recite conversations in the next few consecutive lectures, and stop when the boy can recite it fluently, but he still asked the boy to recite from time to time. Mr. Fujiwara is very responsible for his students.



答:1 贫困当然不是新鲜事,不过,我们手中可用的对付贫困的手段在与日俱进。means: 手段; at our disposal 可由我们挥洒的; address:本句中意为 对付。2 在这个国家,几乎没有哪个男人(或女人)的工作、生活水平不取决于他或她的雇主盈利和投资新项目的能力。上述是一个典型的There + Be 句型。 ...

答:1。大多数时间,这种“对话”是在意识的层次。2.This is usually when we are running into difficulities,when mismatch is occurring between expectations and meaning.2。这通常是当我们遇到困难时,不匹配的期望和意义。3.It is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance when we...



答:1. By studying hard, you could pass the English test.2. 你的翻译很正确,或者用You must study hard也行,放心吧,你是对的:D


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答:1)Opera is expensive: that(这里的that是副词意思是“如此的、那般地”) much is inevitable. But expensive things are not inevitably the province(此处当领域讲) of the rich unless we abdicate society's power of choice.歌剧(票价)是昂贵的:如此高的(价位)是不可避免的。但是如果...

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