变形金刚3英文观后感20词左右 变形金刚4观后感英文60词左右 最好有中文翻译

作者&投稿:剧和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The movie is full of humoristic parts, and it's great. There are
intense and drama parts. There are fine. It's a great movie after all, but only if you are a Sci Fi movies fan.

Its very nice .l like it very much. Do you like it?



cannot live harmoniously with


变形金刚4观后感英文60词左右 最好有中文翻译
答:no matter how many of his friends have sacrificed for human's mistakes,he choose to portect earth only because there once be his home.He,the greastest Prime of Autobots ever,did impressed me a lot.今天我看了《变形金刚:绝迹重生》,那真是一部让人激动的电影!变形金刚们都很赞....

答:第三部 开头 Between the autobots who fought for freedom,and the decepticons who dreamt of tyranny.Over matched, and out numbered. Our defeat was all but certain.But in the wars final days. One autobot ship escaped the battle.It was carrying a secret cargo. Which would have ...

答:下面是我为大家收集的《变形金刚》观后感,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 《变形金刚》观后感1 7月11号,寡人有幸也算在第一时间观赏了期盼已久的电影《变形金刚》应该说“变形金刚”是全球后男性的童年梦想,眼二十年过去,弹指一挥间,《变形金刚》此次可谓王者归来。 毋庸置疑,即使《变》的剧情再滥,单...

答:在任何战争中,有平静的暴风雨。将有天当我们失去信心。当我们的盟友反对我们……但这一天永远不会来,我们这个星球和它的人民。我是擎天柱,我把这个信息到宇宙:我们在这里。我们的家。Buzz Aldrin: You cannot believe what we're seeing...奥尔德林:“你绝对不会相信我们眼前发生的这一切……”Mi...

答:Today,my mother took me to see a movie of the transformer 4.About movie Optimus Prime Autobots with his partner and friends save theplanet with CADE's family,work together to defeat the forces of evil in theend story.My favorite in this film was closed when fighting Optimus ...



纳尼亚传奇3 英文观后感 100-120字 假期作业啊 急需。。。 我会加分...
答:3, don't live in the past to live in the present, to live in the now.The prince to kingdom and subjects, no longer at life to find father, choose the missing father put them in their heart, for father once expectations to manage the kingdom. Said forget the past for ...

答:影评3 I honestly don't know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - ...