玛丽莲曼森的(s)aint中文歌词 玛丽莲曼森的aint歌词

作者&投稿:裘皆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

SAINT (圣徒)

你的末日与我无关 ,我才不会拯救你.

你说被我的名气所吸引, 但如今的我并不是个艺术家

我只是件该死的艺术品我拥有了一个F和 C和K, 唯一缺少的就是婊子般的你(U)

你想变的完美, 你已经很好了

如今我和你们同样完美 ,我是个被你(神)遗弃的贵族

(因此)你永远都不可能完美 了

我是谁 我叫什么


我是谁 我叫什么

给我个S 因为我是个AINT

我是困于乱世中的尸骸 一个死神的头颅

你 玷污了我 带走了我所珍惜的一切

我要改变你的命运 你的"死期"已至 所以你必须牺牲

我是代表痛苦的恶魔 一个活生生的性爱符号

你想变的完美 你已 经很好了 如今我和你们同样完美

我是个被你(神)遗弃的贵族 (因此)你永远都不可能完美了

我是谁 我叫什么

我要得到圣徒(Saint)中的S 我

是谁 我叫什么 给我个S 因为我是个AINT

我拥有了一个F和C和K 唯一缺少的就是婊子般的你(U)

我拥有了一个F和C和K 唯一缺少的就是婊子 般的你(U)

我是个被你(神)遗弃的贵族 堕落的瞬间成为一个超我的婊子

我是个被你(神)遗弃的贵族 堕落的瞬间成为一个超我的婊子

我是谁我叫什 么 我要得到圣徒(Saint)中的S 我是谁 我叫什么 给我个S 因为我是个AINT

Marliyn Manson的(S)Aint里的一句歌词的中文意思~

I got a F and C ,and got a K Too 意思是 我得到了一个"F"(指字母)和"C”(字母)还有一个"K"(字母) And the only thing that's missing is a bi*ch like U 唯一漏掉的是一个 女表 子一样的u(这里的"U"有双关意,一是指“你”,二是"U"这个字母,"U"和前面的"F、C、K"连起来是一个词,"F**U**C**K") Hold the S Because I am a Ain‘t 这里的"S”应该是"SEX"的意思= =


Marilyn Manson - (s)AINT
I don't care if your world is ending today
Because I wasn't invited to it anyway
You said I tasted famous so I drew you a heart
But now I'm not an artist, I'm a fucking work of art
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like u
You wanted perfect, you got your perfect
Now I'm too perfect for someone like you
I was a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
But you'll never be as perfect whatever you do
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I am bone top, a deathset, on a mop stick
You infected me to diamonds, I took all your shit
Your sell-by-date expired so you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and then a sex symbol
You wanted perfect, you got your perfect
Now I'm too perfect for someone like you
I was a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
But you'll never be as perfect whatever you do
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is u
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like u
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like u
I am the penny in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super ego-bitch, I've been evil a while
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super ego-bitch, I've been evil a while
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't

答:(S)aint Ka-Boom Ka-Boom Better of Two Evils 《Eat me Drink me》 出版日期:2007 这张专辑,manson转型了,不太吼了,不过还不错 Putting Holes In Happiness They Said That Hell's Not Hot Heart-Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand)Evidence EAT ME,DRINK ME 《The High ...

答:个人比较喜欢this is the new shit.The Golden Age Of Grotesque 这张专辑不错……

谁推荐几首类似于玛丽莲·曼森的sweet dreams这种风格的歌?_百度知 ...
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答:极端。。。1.THIS IS NWE SHIT (玛丽莲曼森。他的歌都很极端。这首我觉得是他的作品 中最爽的。而“反基督超级明星”是他最极端的一首作品。把圣经撕的。。。还有他的THE NOBODIES, SLUTGARDEN, (S)AINT 都很极端。)2.NEMO ( 说道哥特,有一个乐队是不可不提到的。那就是夜愿。而这首...

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答:以下都是我自己听过的 还保留的 很不错的歌 你听听 布兰妮-everytime by2-勇敢 我知道 because of you promise dont come easy SHE-安静了 你太诚实 一眼万年 tank-如果我变成回忆 会长大的幸福 蜜雪薇琪-独立 伊能静-一千遍我爱你 东来东往-海角七号 五月天- 知足 倔强 卓文萱...

介绍几首《死亡金属》或 快节奏摇滚的歌曲
答:Marilyn Manson:(恶魔的乐队,歌多听几遍会有感觉)The nobodies Lamb of god (S)aint Evidence This is the new shit Slutgarden Coma white Sweet Dream Mobscene Cradle of filth:(黑哥特至尊,爆强)Nymphetamine Her ghost is her fog Temptation(女的唱的,爆强)Born in a burial gown From the...

答:God, The Rock is Dead (s)AINT Slutgarden Snake Eyes and Sissies Spade Sweet Dreams Sweet Tooth Speed of Pain, The Tainted Love This Is The New Shit Tourniquet Target Audience "Untitled" (MA)Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth User Friendly Valentines Day Vodevil Wormboy ...

答:不太明白你所说的重口味是什么概念,但我尽力推荐一下吧O(∩_∩)O~1.SLUTGARDEN ( 玛丽莲曼森。 他的AINT 也不错。 这两首有点被埋没了。其它 大家都知道的什么THIS IS THE NWE SHIT 等我就不提了吧。)2.NYMPHETAMINE ( 污秽摇篮 英国黑金乐队。)3.FORGOTEN ( 艾薇儿 她的有名的GIRL...