有一篇中文短文,麻烦高手帮我翻译成英文。请您不要用翻译软件翻出来给我的不通顺的,谢谢您了! 有一篇英文短文,麻烦高手帮我翻译成中文。请您不要用翻译软件翻...

作者&投稿:闽静 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I never thought i am poor,but there was a fact that can not be denied,when I filled the schedule of the tax every year,I always belong to the lowest income party.In the past 35 years, I went to travel only one time.My TV set is black and white, I accepted it from others before eight years.
However,i have no interesting about the material things,what desired by others.My car is the products produced in 1999, it is already very old, running more than 90000 miles, but it was still very reliable.My house is not big, but very comfortable and warm.My clothes are suitable for my work, i worked mainly in the outdoor.I rarely use computer,which in the library can meet my requirement.


I do not consider themselves poor, but one fact is undeniable that when filling tax returns each year, I always belongs to a class of people with the lowest income.In the past thirty-five years, I only go out and spend a vacation. My TV is not color, eight years ago, someone gave me. However, for others very much want to get the material things, I was not interested. My car is a 1999 product, already very old, opened more than 90,000 miles, but it is still very reliable. Housing is small, but very comfortable and warm. My clothes are suitable for my work, mainly in the outdoors. My computer's little demand, the library will be able to meet my requirements.


I have never considered myself to be poor ,
However, There is one undeniable fact that I will belong to the kind of human being whose income is the lowest when I fill in the form for the tax declaration .In the past thirty-five years, I have only gone out to have a holiday for one time .my TV set is Black-White Television that other people sent me eight years ago
whereas.Those material stuffs others feel much itchy to get is less interesting to me .My car was bought in 1999;It is so old and out of date ;It has run about ninety thousand Kilometers ;But its function still remain so reliable and stable .My house is not so big ,but it is so comfortable and warm to live in ;my clothes are so adequate and suitable for my working ; which are chiefly used outdoors ; I have a less demand for computer ,Library can satisfy my usage requirements



尽管一无所有,但我并不感到贫穷。 这是为什么呢?因为53年以来,我能一直享有非常健康的身体。这并不只是我这么多年来没有生过疾病,而是我能觉得身体充满活力,精力充沛。事实上,能够锻炼对我来说很有趣。同时我很珍视这个创造的天赋。当我写下一篇美丽的诗行,或是编造一个笑话打趣人时,我觉得内心十分的富有。我屡屡惊讶于自我写作过程中获得的领悟,同这么多有趣的作家朋友交谈也是我快乐的主要来源之一。


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