
作者&投稿:墨雁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I think u should increase the efficiency when doing ur homework, but make sure of its high quality, of course. Being attentive in class is also a effective way to achieve that goal.
Hanging out with ur friends during vacations is ok, but the situation is totally different during school time.
Nowadays, there are lots of great TV programs. But don's choose to watch soap operas, they're just a waste of time.

1. I think you should raise your Xiezuoye the speed and, of course, quality assurance. I think seriously listened to the lecture classes can also increase your Xiezuoye speed.
2. During holidays, you can go out and play with friends, but in school, it would be better not go out.
3. I era, there are many good television programs, but you do not have to look the best soap opera, I think that as a waste of time.

1. I think you should raise your pace of writing with homework, certainly will ensure the quality of products. I think have a class, listen to the talk, may raise you pace to write homework too conscientiously.
2. During the vacation, you can go out to play with friend, but on school day, you had better not go out.
3. There are many good programs on the TV in my times, but you had better not watch the soap opera, I think I kill time so very much.

1.in my opinion,you should accelerate your speed of doing assignment,and at the same time,make sure of the quality!personally,listened to the lecture classes carefully,also can speed up the speed
2.During holidays, you can go out and play with friends, but in school, it would be better not go out
3.there are many good television programs, but you do not watch the soap opera, I think it was a waste of time

1) I believe you should do your homework faster while keeping the quality of the work high. I think being attentive in class can also increase the speed.

2) You may go out with your friends during the holidays, but you really shouldn't do so during school.

3) There are a lot of good television programs in our era, but you shouldn't watch the soap operas, I think they are a waste of time.



In which park did they scream and laugh through the exciting ride of roller coaster?
In which park did they see the parade of Disney characters?
What did the Disney characters do while they marched across the park?
What did Kitty think of the three-D film?
Where did they watch The Lion King show?
Where did they buy the souvenirs?
How long did they spend in Disneyland?


答:playing football is my dream I will travel over the world if I become rich.teacher took away my telephone because I use it on class.to his father's disappointment, he didn't pass the exam again.he plans to help me to organize the class meeting ...

英译几个单词非常简单却有一定难度的句子,一定要用语感翻译哦,英语爱 ...
答:three weeks. So you will never find him.3.放心吧,三星期前,我已经学会了处理这些复杂的事情,我已经不是过去的我了。Don' worry, I have got the way to deal with these complex stuffs, I am no longer the one I was.句子中我用了几种不同的表达方式,你可以自己参照着使用。

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
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几个简单的句子 中译英!!!~~~
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答:1.没有任何的在释放之前在我们的村庄中很好地。2.一经有一个老男人,他[她] 有了六个儿子。3.在那里躺卧一个钢的植物, 十年前被建造,在小山下方。4.在学校中,有捉住二百位学生的一个门厅。5.突然在那里来了一个在他的肩上携带了一袋饭的陌生人。6.一次在海浜住了一位旧的类型淑女,他[她...