
作者&投稿:靳舒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most traditional and oldest festivals of the Chinese nation. It embodies the profound Chinese civilization and is a day of reunion and yearning.

The legend of Mid-Autumn Festival

On the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is a festival that people have always hailed as the most humane and poetic. Have said, every holiday times miss family. The Mid-Autumn Festival will miss you more deeply, especially when the moon is hanging high.

Mid-Autumn Festival is called Mid-Autumn Festival because the 15th day of the 8th lunar month falls in the three-autumn system. On this day, the full moon in the sky is particularly bright and large and round, so it is also regarded as a good day to make marriage.

When it comes to the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are many different legends and fairy tales. Among them, there are stories such as Chang moth, Zhu Yuanzhang moon cake uprising, and Tang Ming Emperor's visit to the moon Palace.

The most familiar is, of course, the story of Chang 'e, who stole her husband Houyi's immortal elixir and flew to the moon Palace. In earlier records, Chang 'e stole a fairy medicine, became a toad and was called the Moon essence.

After the moon, Chang 'e lived in the moon palace is actually a lonely place, in addition to a laurel tree and a rabbit, nothing else. But there is another saying that there is a man named Wu Gang in the moon Palace.

中秋节是中华民族最传统最古老的节日之一,凝聚着深厚的华夏文明底蕴,是个团圆和思念的日子。中秋节的传说农历八月十五,中秋节。这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味、最诗情画意的一个节日。有说,每逢佳节倍思亲。中秋节 这一份思念当然会更深切,尤其是一轮明月高高挂的时刻。中秋之所以是中秋,是因为农历八月十五这一天是在三秋制中。这一天天上的圆月分外明亮特别的大特别的圆,所以这一天也被视为撮合姻缘的大好日子。说起中秋的来源,民间一直流传着多个不同的传说和神话故事。其中就有嫦蛾奔月、朱元璋月饼起义、唐明皇游月宫等故事。最为人熟悉当然是嫦娥奔月,嫦娥偷了丈夫后羿的不死仙丹,飞奔到月宫的故事也有多个版本。在较早的记载中,嫦娥偷吃了仙药,变成了癞蛤-蟆,被叫着月精。奔月后,嫦娥住的月宫其实是一个寂寞的地方,除了一棵桂树和一只兔子,就别无他物。可是又有另一个说法是,在月宫里还有一个叫吴刚的人。


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