一些与食物有关的英文谚语(急) 需要5句与食物有关的英语谚语

作者&投稿:郴郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。
Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。
We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。
The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。



1. radish and ginger keep away from doctor.



[[i] 本帖最后由 落花神剑 于 2006-2-7 18:48 编辑 [/i]]
2006-2-7 19:54 eyesonshe
1:“上床萝卜下床姜,不劳医生开药方 ”

Having radishes before going to bed and

having gingers after getting up,then you'll

have no need to go to a hospital.
Three gingers with the breakfast are better than ginseng

3: “少吃荤腥多吃素,没有医生开药铺”;
Eat less meat and fish,more vegetable

dish,and that will make you healthy.
Good food do more than the medicine to

your body.
5: “气大伤神,食多伤身 ”
Too much fury will harm your spirit,too

much food will harm your body.
6: “多吃不如细嚼”
To nibble,but not to gluttonize.
7: “食不厌精,刽不厌细 ”
8:“不喝隔夜茶,不喝过量酒 "
Not to drink the tea of the previous

night,nor the excessive alcohol.
The diseases come in through your

mouth,from which the disasters come out.
10: “不干不净,吃了生病”
Filthy food will make you ill.
11: “人想长寿安,要减夜来餐”
If you want to live longer and more

healthy,do eat less after dinner.
Just have enough in the dinner,then you

will have a good dream.
Having a perfect breakfast,an adequte

lunch and enough dinner.
Good breakfast makes you heathy.
15: “饭后百步走,活到九十九”
A walk after meal makes you live longer.
16:“饭后散步,不进药铺 ”
A walk after meal makes you heathy.
17: “吃饭不要闹,吃饱不要跑”
Do not make noise and run when you

having a meal.
18: “能忌烟和酒,活到九十九”
Staying away from the ciggy and alcohol

makes you live longer.
Drinking soup before having a meal and

you will be away from the disease.

The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。
Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。
We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。
The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。

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答:The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。The yotten apple in jured its neighboors....

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英语俗语 关于食物 多多益善!!!急用!!!
答:意思是:种什么,收什么,原为佛教语,比喻因果报应关系,后比喻做了什么事,得到什么样的结果。4、The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。意思是:一个人因为某些问题而拖累了整个团体。煮好的一锅粥,结果发现居然有了一颗老鼠屎,那这锅粥是绝对不能吃了的,和“害群之...

答:Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。Diet cures more than doctors. 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果, 无需医生进门。Leave off with an ...