求八年级上册人教新目标英语基础训练Unit12答案 八年级上册,基础训练英语答案,人教版

作者&投稿:璩兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
-->新目标英语八年级上册Unit12程度词汇训练题及答案1. I like this sweater, I think it has better q______ .2 Jim’s home is c______ to school, Lucy’s home is even c______ to school, and Tom’s home is the c______ to school.3. This clothing store has the f______ service in our town.4. My friends often go to Movie Palace because it has the m______ c____________ seats.5. I like eating vegetables for every m______ (每顿饭).6. I often go to the c______ (电影院) on Saturday evening.7.In my opinion, spring is the b______ season(季节) in China, and winter is the w______ season.8.He is as t______ (高) as his father, but he is not so h______(胖) as his father.9. The Summer Palace is one of the m______beautiful p______ (公园) in Beijing.10. Which is s______(小),the moon or the earth?11. Who is the o______ (年龄大),Tom, Lucy or Jim?12. Every one knows China is getting s______ and s______ (越来越强大).13.The m______ he practices English, the b______ he speaks.(他练习英语越多,说得越好。)14.Mary is very a______ (生气),Ann is much a______ , Peter is the a______ of all.15. Hainan is the second l______ island(岛) in China.16.Chendu is the capital of Sichuan P______ .17. Failure(失败) is the mother of s______ . Bill Gates is a s______ man.18.I’d like to go shopping, can we go t______ (一起)?19. Fish can’t live w______ water.20. Could you please speak a little l______ , I can’t hear you.21. He isn’t feeling better now, he is s______ ill in bed.22. He is a good p______ (表演者).23. There were fifteen a______ on the t______ show yesterday. The prize for the f______ *(最有意思的)actor w______ to John. And the d______(最单调的)actor is Peter, he is too serious.24. He is the tallest student in his class.= He is t______ than a______o______ s______ in his class.25. Her home is the f______ from school in her class.= Her home is farther(更远)from school than any other student’s in her class.26. Mike is two years y______(年龄小) than his sister.27.Jim isn’t old e______ to join the army(军队).= Jim is t______ old to join the army.28. The clever boy won the International Math C______ .29. Mrs Jenny gave us some a______ (建议)on how to learn English well.30 . Mr Liu was a very b______man. He always worked hard. He often f______ his family’s birthday. Yesterday afternoon, he r______ it was Mrs Liu, his wife’s birthday. He loved his wife. He w______ to give her a present. On his way home from his hospital he b______ some flowers in a shop. When Mr Liu g______home, he g______his wife the flowers and said, “ Happy birthday to you, dear! It’s September 28th today. I remember your birthday this year!” Mrs Liu l______ and said, “My birthday was the day before yesterday. But thank you all the s_____. Better late t______ never.”参考答案:1. quality 2 . close, closer, closest 3. friendliest4. most, comfortable 5. meal 6. cinema 7. best, worst8. tall, heavy 9. most, parks 10. smaller 11. oldest12. stronger, stronger 13. more, better 14. angry, angrier, angriest15. largest 16. Province 17. success, successful 18. together19. without 20. louder 21. still 22. performer23. acts, talent, funniest, went, dullest24. taller, any, other, student 25. farthest 26 younger27. enough, too 28. Competition 29. advice30. busy, forgot, remembered, wanted, bought, got, gave, laughed, same, than


cheap,cheaper,cheapest,high,higher,highest,good,better,best,bad,worse,worst,did a survey of,think about,to learn,went,dance,heavier,the most comfortable,is learning,to take,Lucky

Our research team conducted a survey among the local children on how much time they usually spend per week talking with their parents. According to the survey, children spend less time having heart-to-heart talks with their parents when they grow older. For example, the 7-9 age group spends as many as 6 hours per week on average, while the 16-18 age group spends only half the time talking with their parents.


There are three major reasons for this. 60% of the children think they have few topics in common with their parents. Another 20% say both parents and children are too busy working or studying to have a talk. Others even consider it useless talking with their parents, arguing that it does little good to their studies.


In my opinion, having regular heart-to-heart talks is a good way to form a good relationship between parents and children. As children we should first show respect to our parents, looking on them as our close friends and letting them know what we are interested in. Secondly, we should learn how to be a good listener.



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答:人教新目标英语同步检测与评估八年级上册答案<除第1单元,7-12,期末测试以为>,,,急。。。大家帮帮忙! 15 1个回答 #热议# OPPO超级会员日会上线哪些专属...(基础题)Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences into English.(翻译下列句子。)�1.全世界的学生是怎样上学的?�How do students get to school?2.那...

答:读书破万卷,下笔如有神 答案通过自己思考出来的,在网上是问不到答案的哈 多想想,答案错了没关系的 学习的目的就是要学会思考 才是自己的答案,多思考吧.
