谁能提供电影《阿甘正传》的读后感(全英文的读后感,50个单词左右) 阿甘正传观后感英文60词

作者&投稿:纪话 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Is this movie so why deep happily.? Although Arab League Gansu's intelligence quotient only then 75, but on his body, we saw loyal, the code of honor, rigid, in the friendly these human natures is most splendid, the outstanding valuable quality, saw to life rigid, to life hope, to faith firmness. Ordinary life, extraordinary life. when our time passage dies of old age, looks back on the background, if you might to yesterday all regretless, then you already had the very successful life.


英文版:Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
中文翻译族碰:阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为悔穗宴这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多碧银难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!

Many time we looked like Arab League Gansu not to be able to find equally make a matter's reason, time were many our far inferior Arab League Gansu, these did not know why did the matter always very easily gave up halfway. Human's life often is this, looks like the white feather which in the film title and the tail leader that piece drifts with the wind, when the majority, perhaps we are drifting with the current, this kind does not drift the concrete direction, lightly to wearing. But, organizes one to turn around, always may by own control, you only probably do with every effort it perfectly, do not haggle over that actually you did obtain how many, that you may more fly over high, you will discover, toward high place place, closer heaven, therefore I believed that the Arab League Gansu's success will not be accidentally.


when we say that Forrest Gump is a lucky guy, i think most of u may think that he is so lucky to escape much trouble , but the LUCK is that he is so lucky to have such a good mother by my means.
remember ?what his mother said at her last time in the world? "it's my time , it's just my time. oh,now, don't u be afraid ,sweetheart? death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. i didn't no it.but i was destined to be ur mother, and i did the best i could". yes ,she did!
i just could hold tears when i watched this part, and once heared someone "life is like a box of chocolates, u never no what u r gonna get", the first pict flashed in my mind is Gump's mother , a lovly woman, a kind hearted mother!!
so , next time when u watch the movie, remember that whether u r born healthy or not , whether u born in poor family or rich , whether u win ur life or lose, there allways be a woman stand behind u ,supporting u ,encourging u .

Love is real! The continuation of life!Forrest gump's life is legendary! Watched many times every time for all the good will move! Forrest gump's persistence is a lot of normal people can't do, so he honest dedication made him happy life!In the end, he and his son waiting for the bus together images are performance continue life drifting life is just like that the feathers of ups and downs!
翻译:爱才是真实的!生命的延续! 阿甘的一生是传奇的!看了很多次每次看了都好感动!阿甘的坚持是很多正常人做不到的,所以他的淳朴执着造就了他的幸福人生!最后他和他的儿子一起等校车的画面正是生命延续的表现人生就像那片飘起的羽毛起起落落!

答:阿甘是电影《阿甘正传》中的主人公,是反智电影的代表作,诚实、守信、认真、勇敢而重感情,对人只懂付出不求回报,也从不介意别人拒绝是他的性格特点。下面是阿甘正传800字 观后感 范文 五篇,让我们一起来看看吧! 阿甘正传800字观后感范文一 一根白羽毛轻盈地在空中飘着,谁也不知道它从什么地方飘来,下一刻又会...

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答:在电影《阿甘正传》中,阿甘的世界就是这样纯粹、简单的,事实上阿甘是美国历史的一个缩影,我为大家带来几篇《阿甘正传》 观后感 供大家阅读。 《阿甘正传》观后感一 很多人抱怨这个,抱怨那个。有一人,虽然先天有缺陷,但他最后取得了成功。 阿甘一生下来智商只有七十五。后来,他的妈妈想方设法把他送进了正常人的...

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答:这也是电影《阿甘正传》的成功之处。 阿甘正传观后心得3 假日,父亲推荐我读了《阿甘正传》这本书,他说这是一本很好看的小说,能告诉我许多做人的道理,阿甘正传 读后感 。 夜间,我一气呵成将这本书读完。 对于阿甘这个人物,他对于事物出自本性的感触,或者说,近似一种看似白痴的举动,在无数人、无数次的冷眼...