开头是一个小女孩唱哦捏捏,哦捏捏的英文歌, 有一首英文歌 一开头是 哦捏捏哦捏捏~.. 有点是像阿肯的歌

作者&投稿:戎胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
是maroon 5 的 wipe your eyes
美国Maroon 5乐队在2012年6月发行的新单曲,歌词很温暖,特别是前奏部分的童声“哦内内~”那部分十分可爱,朗朗上口。收听率和下载率还是一如既往的高。
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh.
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh.
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh.
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh.
I'm afraid that I gotta do what I gotta do.
But if I let you go, where you gonna go? Oh.
We gotta make it change, it's time to turn the page.
Something isn't right, I don't wanna fight you.
We've been through tougher times, you know we gets worse.
We can turn this around, please let me be first.
And as I feel your tears spilling on my shirt.
Something isn't right, I don't wanna fight you.
Hey, you, come over and let me embrace you.
I know that I'm causing you pain, too.
But remember if you need to cry, I'm here to wipe your eyes.
Tonight before you fall asleep.
I run my thumb across your cheek. (Across your cheek)
(Cry) 'Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.
I know I made you feel this way.
You gotta breathe, we'll be ok. (We'll be ok)
(Cry) 'Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh. (Oh oh)
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh. ('Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes)
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh.
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh neh neh.
When did we crossed the line, how could we forget?
Why do we let the pressure get into our heads.
Your broken heart requires all of my attention.
'Cause something isn't right, I don't wanna fight you.
Hey, you, come over and let me embrace you.
I know that I'm causing you pain, too.
But remember if you need to cry, I'm here to wipe your eyes.
Tonight before you fall asleep.
I run my thumb across your cheek. (Across your cheek)
(Cry) 'Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.
I know I made you feel this way.
You gotta breathe, we'll be ok. (We'll be ok)
(Cry) 'Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.
Please don't lose your faith.
Don't worry 'cause I'm here to keep you safe.
I promise if you let me see your face.
That I won't let you down, I won't let you down.
I'm here to wipe your eyes.
Tonight before you fall asleep.
I run my thumb across your cheek. (Across your cheek)
(Cry) 'Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.
I know I made you feel this way.
You gotta breathe, we'll be ok. (We'll be ok)
(Cry) 'Cause I'm here to wipe your eyes.
Oh neh neh, oh neh neh.

proud of you

Ein Kleines Lied



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