关于季节的英语作文50字 关于季节50词英语作文

作者&投稿:坚律 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
y favorite season is winter.It lasts from December to February.It is the coidest season in the year.In winter,the days are very short.When it comes ,the leaves fall from the trees.When it snows,the ground is white with snow.We can wear warm clothes and go to make snowmen.It is a good season for skating .I like winter best.
我最喜欢的季节是冬天十二月至二月这是今年的冬季…在冬季,天气非常短的. 当它来临时,树叶从树上掉。当下雪的时候,地面是白色的雪我们可以穿暖和的衣服,去堆雪人这是一个很好的赛季。我最喜欢冬天滑冰。
一年四季(The Four seasons)

A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of plants are controlled by the seasons.

The first season is spring. The three months in it are March, April and May. During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plants come to life. Animals wake up from hibernation. It is time for farmers to get ready for their fields.

The second season is summer. The three months are June, July and August. The weather is very hot and it often rains. People can go swimming and sightseeing. It is time for all things to grow up.

The third season is autumn. The three months are September, October and November. The weather becomes cooler and cooler. Leaves begin to fall to the ground. It is the harvest time for farmers.

The fourth season is winter. December, January and February are the three months of that season. The weather is very cold, and most of the plants die at that time. Sometimes it snows. People can enjoy skating and skiing. But winter doesn' t stay with us for a long time, for spring comes again soon.




第三个季节是秋季,三个月分别是九月、十月和十一月。天 气越来越凉,树叶开始飘落。这是一个收获的季节。


嫌多的话 自己看着删

My favorite season is winter.It lasts from December to February.It is the coidest season in the year.In winter,the days are very short.When it comes ,the leaves fall from the trees.When it snows,the ground is white with snow.We can wear warm clothes and go to make snowmen.It is a good season for skating .I like winter best.
我最喜欢的季节是冬天十二月至二月这是今年的冬季…在冬季,天气非常短的. 当它来临时,树叶从树上掉。当下雪的时候,地面是白色的雪我们可以穿暖和的衣服,去堆雪人这是一个很好的赛季。我最喜欢冬天滑冰。

My hometown Hanghzhou, which is located in eastern China, has four distinctive seasons. In spring, the tempreture is getting warmer and everyting comes to live. People go outside to enjoy the sunshine and have fun. It is very hot and dry during summer, but all trees are flourisng at this time. In order to avoid the heating wave, people usually choose to stay inside in the air-conditioned rooms. Autum is a golden season, the chilling winds turn our city from green to yellow. Moutain climbing and enjoying the maple are good choices. Winter, which is full of hope and laughter, can be as cold as -5 degress Celsius. People are busy preparing for Christmas, New Year Holiday and Chinese New Year.


I like summer best!In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my parents.And we have fun!
I like summer best!Do you like it,too?

My favorite season is winter.It lasts from December to February.It is the coidest season in the year.In winter,the days are very short.When it comes ,the leaves fall from the trees.When it snows,the ground is white with snow.We can wear warm clothes and go to make snowmen.It is a good season for skating .I like winter best.
我最喜欢的季节是冬天十二月至二月这是今年的冬季…在冬季,天气非常短的. 当它来临时,树叶从树上掉。当下雪的时候,地面是白色的雪我们可以穿暖和的衣服,去堆雪人这是一个很好的赛季。我最喜欢冬天滑冰。

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